Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How do they do cervical disc surgery when someone have osteoporosis?

How do they do cervical disc surgery when someone have osteoporosis?
In certain cases, they may obligation to repair or reinforce the adjacent vertebrae first. If the bone have been crushed simply by the weightiness borne by the spine, that's a compression fracture. It needs to be "pumped up" fairly like a deflated basketball. Sometimes a special balloon is inserted via a nozzle puncture; other times bone cement is injected into the void cause by osteoporosis. Vertebroplasty has just now become an accepted surgical procedure surrounded by the US, but it needs to be perform by a specialist such as an interventional neuroradiologist.
good ask, but in abundant cases need to do the surgery and you enjoy to know there are masses degrees of osteoporosis, and the surgery is not contraindication within this case.

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