Saturday, December 3, 2011

How can i become a woman to stumble upon the personal intrest to be more femimnine ?

inf o on operations and best places for surgery contained by cali, europe
resident-chile.. we dont have it nearby!How can i become a woman to stumble upon the personal intrest to be more femimnine ?
I do not understand your give somebody the third degree but if you are talking in the order of sex operation to become a female than the best place or doctors are within SINGAPORE.I know alot of males who had sex change from S'PORE.If I mistook your question than I am sorry.
Being feminine have nothing to do next to working, so if you are in the strength care nouns, rethink what you are doing, seriously..
It depends on your age and body build up. If you are young, it may be achieve just by hormone treatment. Few injections and oral medicines for some term will work wonders for you.
Any surgery will put some marks for always on your body.
You may try Traditional Indian Medical science - Ayurveda under guidance of Ayurveda University of repute within India. This will require to stay in Ayurveda hospital for few days, observe strict food and daily routine exercises and manipulate, bath and resembling therapeutic treatments. There will be no injections or any surgery at adjectives.

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